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Smyrna Basketball

2024 - 2025 Girls Youth Basketball



The purpose of this league is to promote youth basketball while providing a safe, fun and competitive level of play. It is also our goal to support and insure good sportsmanship and fair play among all participants. 


1.  Ages

Girls age 7 – 14 

2.  The age control date for this league is September 1, of the current year.


3.       Teams must wear numbered, non-duplicating same colored tops and similar colored shorts during all games.

4.       No Jewelry is allowed during games; this includes but is not limited to rings, bracelets, watches, necklaces and earrings. Only soft hair bands and ties are allowed during games.

5.       Athletic footwear is required for all participants, and anyone accessing the playing floor. Coaches wearing hard bottom shoes will not be allowed on to the playing floor.

6.       Home team will wear white or light colors and away team will wear dark colors.


7.       Home team provides game ball. 

8.       Rosters may not exceed 10 players. (However, special circumstances is permissible if team has to exceed the 10 player threshold based on participant number) see rule 11

9.       All teams must be recreational in nature, and participants must be a registered participant in your organizations current regular season league play.

10.   If a team exceeds 10 players, the coach must let the table and the other team’s coach know so they can prepare for the participation requirements.

11.   Each player is required to participate in (2) uninterrupted quarters; the only exceptions are: 

•      illness (that result in the player leaving the bench), injury and/or disqualification. 

•      If a team exceeds a 10 player roster (each player is required to participate in 1 and a ½ uninterrupted quarters OR 12 minutes). Both teams must abide by this rule. 

12.   A player may NOT play on 2 different teams for any reason. NO EXCEPTIONS. 

13.   Players found in violation of RULE #11 will be immediately disqualified from the secondary team and all games they played will be declared forfeits. 


14.   All games will be played in accordance with Georgia High School Athletic Association rules, but do not supersede any rules listed here.

15.   No more than three (3) coaches will be allowed on the bench at any 1 time.

16.   A team must have at least 4 players to start a game. A team may play with less than 5 players during a game as long as the original starting requirements were met. 

17.   Teams are allowed a 5 minute grace period beyond the scheduled start time of the game. If a team is unable to produce the total starting amount of players required they will be charged with a forfeit. 

18.   With the exception of injury, coaches are not permitted on the playing floor. The Head Coach is the only person permitted to discuss a call with the referee and should be limited to questions regarding rule interpretations. Violations of this rule will result in an automatic Technical foul. 

19.   Ball Sizes will be as follows:

a.       8U girls will use 27.5 game ball and all other age divisions will use a regulation size ball (28.5)

20.   Quarter time lengths, foul line and goal distances will be as follows:


Time Length of Quarters

Foul Line Distance

Goal Height


8 minutes10 feet

8 ½ feet

U11 & 14U

8 minutes

15 feet

10 feet


21.   All teams regardless of age division will receive (2) 30 Second and (3) Full time-outs per game.  

22.   Running Game Clock will only stop for:

b.      Time outs

c.       With the whistle during the last 2 minutes of each half (except when a team is leading by

20 points or more)

d.      During the first overtime, with the whistle in the last 1 minute of play. 

e.       During the one (1) minute break between quarters

f.        During the three (3) minute break between halves 

g.       If a team has a lead of 20 points or more with 2 minutes or less left in the game, the clock will not stop until the lead falls below the 10 point mark or time runs out. 

23.   When a game continues past the scheduled start time of the next game, the next scheduled game of the league will start 2 minutes following the end of the previous game. 

24.   During a running clock, if a time out is taken during free throws, the clock will not resume until the ball is put back into play by the free throw.

25.   Overtime

h.      In the event that a game is tied at the end of regulation play, two (2) minutes of overtime will be played with a continuous clock until the final minute of overtime.  

i.         If the game remains tied after one overtime period, over time periods of two minutes will be played until the tie is broken. The clock will stop with every whistle. 

j.         Each team is given one additional 60 second timeout, and is allowed to carry over any unused timeouts from regulation.

26.   Beginning Possession

k.       All age groups will participate in a jump ball.

27.   Full Court Pressure

l.         In the 8 and under divisions, NO full court pressure will be allowed in the game. Teams can pick up at half court. In the (11U) and (14U) divisions regular game rules apply. 

m.    If at any time during the game a team (any age division) gains a lead of 20 point or more NO full court pressure will be allowed until the score differential drops below 10 points

28.   The Lane

n.      In 8U the lane will have a 5 second restriction. All other age divisions the standard 3 second lane restriction applies.

29.   Drop Dead Mercy Rule: In the 4th quarter under 4 minutes if a team gains a lead of 30 points or more the game will be called. 

30.   Protest Fee

o.      A $50.00 fee will be charged for all protests.

p.      Coaches and Organization Representatives wishing to protest must:

i.        Obtain “Tournament Protest Form” from the Tournament Director.

ii.      Submit completed protest form with cash payment of protest fee to League Director.

r.   Protest may only be made regarding rule infractions and player eligibility.

s.   If a protest is upheld the fee will be returned to the requester.

t.    All protest must be made within the same playing day of the game in questions.

u.  All decision made by the League Director are final.


The following procedures will be used to determine the first-place finisher or to break ties for other places.  

31.   TWO-WAY TIE:

a.        If two teams are tied with identical records, the winner is the team that won the game when the two teams played. If the teams split their games, the team that allowed the fewest points during the entire season will be declared the winner. If the teams still remain tied, the team scoring the most points during the season will be declared the winner. If a tie still remains, the team that allowed the fewest points when they played each other will be declared the winner.  


a.        If three teams or more are tied, the winner will be determined by the team that allowed the fewest points, unless one team has defeated each of the other two during the season.  If two of the teams still have the same total of points allowed, the winner will be the team that won the game played between the two teams during the season. If the teams split their games, the team that scored the most points during the season will win.  *Pre-determined Forfeit games that were recorded as a 2-0 score will not be used to determine order of finish when there is a tie. The tie breaker would then be determined by average of points scored of the played games.


33.   Player Conduct 

a.       Coaches and Organization Representatives will be held responsible for the conduct of their players and fans.

b.      No Profane language, taunting, fighting or unruly conduct will be tolerated before, during or after games. 

c.       If a player receives a technical foul for flagrant or unsportsmanlike conduct, the player will be removed from the game and banned from playing in the teams next played game. (Forfeits do not count; the player must sit out of a live game). 

d.      Any player receiving a total of three (3) technical fouls (for any reason) during the course of the season will be banned from participating in the remainder of the season and tournament. 

34.   Coaches Conduct 

e.       If a Coach is ejected from a game for unsportsmanlike conduct he/she will not be permitted to coach in their next played game. (Forfeits do not count; the coach must sit out of a live game). 


f.        If a Coach receives a second ejection at any time during the season he/she will not be permitted to coach for the remainder of the season and tournament. 


Smyrna Basketball

Mailing Address: 4480 South Cobb Dr., Suite H #217
Smyrna, Georgia 30080
Email : [email protected]
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