Nov, 2024
Picture Make-Up Day is this Satturday, Nov. 23rd and 24th at the Smyrna Community Center at your team's scheduled picture time (times to be posted/emailed). Pictures will be taken in the Racquetball Room across from the large gym. Photographers will take both a TEAM picture and individual picture. In order to ensure that the process runs smoothly, please adhere to the following:
- Mark your calendar for your scheduled time.
- Arrive at least 15 minutes prior to scheduled picture time.
- All players should be present for TEAM picture.
- Have jersey tucked in shorts.
- Siblings can opt to take photos together at either of their respective picture time.
- Purchase of picture packages are not mandatory.
- Funds (check, credit card, debit and EXACT cash) will be accepted.
- Have ORDER FORM and funds ready the day of Picture Day!
- Order and Credit Card Authorization forms will be available at the picture table.
Click for schedule: To Be Posted
Click for Picture Order Form